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A junior representative communicates with his or her senior class motivating them to be active in KIWIN'S as well as assisting them with any questions.  He or she must also call them informing them of upcoming events.

Pet Peeves:

people who don’t clean up or tip at restaurants

Most Memorable KIWIN'S Moment:

screaming at light the night 🏮

Why did you join KIWIN'S?

friends, service, and fun! 😁😁

Favorite Meme:

7560DEC3-DA67-495C-BAD4-0A083CFA8FF3 - Tatiana To.jpeg

One Quote That Describes You:


18684FCB-4E14-460A-B4E1-99B13E31852D - Tatiana To.jpeg

Junior Representative

Tatiana To

Years in KIWIN'S:


Class of:


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